Wisdom and wisecracks
Drive engagement during the holiday season (2024)
The holiday season is prime time for boosting visibility and engagement, but standing out in crowded digital spaces is a challenge. Here are five cutting-edge holiday marketing strategies designed to work for both product and service-based businesses.
Here’s how ADHD affects my bottom line (and how I work around it)
An honest post about how ADHD affected my bottom line last financial year—the good, the bad, and the burnout 🙃
6 ChatGPT prompts to take the WTF out of email marketing
Chat GPT can be an incredibly powerful tool for any kind of writing—even email marketing. Here are six prompts to take the WTF out of email marketing.
To sell more, you need to understand the reasons why people buy
Whether your clients are thinking of buying a product or investing in a course or service, their motivations are pretty simple. If you want to sell more things, you need to get your head around the reasons why people buy.
10 things I hate about business podcasts
I think we can also agree that *some business pods are a bit…much? To that end,
Here are 10 things I hate about business podcasts 🤮
Alt-Tag, you're it! Here’s how to optimise your image SEO
You may have heard that using your keywords in image names and alt-text is good for SEO. And it is. But there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind.
Email welcome sequence—Steal my 6-email formula
If you’ve managed to get a prospective customer to hand over their email address you’ve been given a powerful gift. That’s because welcome emails have the highest open rates of ALL THE EMAILS. Here’s how to make the most of your ideal clients’ interest while it’s sky-high.
Segment your email list to personalise, build strong relationships,and make more sales
Keeping your emails targeted (and personalised) can boost your engagement and your sales. I’m about to give you the skinny on how to stay in people’s inboxes. Here’s a look at the whys and hows of segmenting your email list.
The marketing bro is dead
I'm sure you've seen content like this.
Every sentence sitting all by itself on a single line.
One sentence after another…
OK, I’m full of sh!t
Warning: the following story contains the use of the the term “broad”.
Listen. I’ve been a bad friend. I got you used to weekly blogs and then I just—fell off the face of the earth. I’m sorry. I was burnt out. And it was school holidays. But I’m back, baby.
I’ve got bad news re email marketing
Ever hit send on an email like you’ve made it to the end of a marathon? Yes, it was hard. Yes, it was like pulling teeth. Yes, you left it to the 11th hour. But you got that email out.
Here’s how often I fake it
When I got my first real job (as a teacher) I was FrEaKiNg OuT. I'd graduated from Teacher's College the previous May and spent a few months teaching English in South Korea. (And by 'teaching English,' I mean boozing and sun bathing).
My secret shame
File this under: things 30 year old Martha never would have said.
🤮 I'm trying to grow my profile on LinkedIn 🤮
Water up to my ankles
It started off like a regular week.
One Monday I was minding my own business, being a human woman who is also a copywriter and also the Chair of her kids' school board.
The winning-est copywriting formula
What have tea cosies got to do with the best-ever copywriting formula? Find out in this blog!
Ask me about my feminist agenda
Yes, there is a living, breathing feminist agenda in our home. And it’s one of the best things about our family.
3 mistakes you’re making with your web copy
Working with a collaborative copywriter can save you serious time and help keep your projects on schedule. I’ll show you how.
The Word Candy Method — ever wonder what it’s like to work with a copywriter?
Ever wonder what it’s like to work with a copywriter?
Every copywriter has their own process, but here’s what goes down at Word Candy HQ.
Drive conversion with these 6 email sequences
If you’re just getting cracking in the email game, here are some email sequence ideas that’ll help get the party started.
Friends with Benefits
Here’s how to make friends with benefits, people. Now — minds out of the gutter, please. I’m talking about the 𝘣𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘵𝘴 of your product or service, of course. If you’re writing your own copy, you’re going to want to save this one.